The Geeks are on vacation!

The head geek (moi) Has decided to take a little break. I have a number of reasons.

  1. My job. I do have a real day job that takes up most of my time.
  2. I'm busy selling out. Yes, the rumors are true. In a few shorts months I will be an MCSE. Bill Gates owns my soul. Let's face it, LINUX is cool but I need the kind of $ NT admining brings in to keep making the morgage payments!

I guess what I'm getting at is I am facing the fact that I am a grown up (of sorts) with real responabilites and this site isn't one of them.

Once my life settles down a bit I will bring this site back with a new,(and Lynx-friendly) look.

I'll see you all soon! (In a month or 2)


Web Rings this site belongs to!!
